Category: Troubleshooting

The Mystery of the Server with a Major “Page Fault in Nonpaged Area” Blue Screen of Death Issue

My old file server died a few years ago, probably because of a dead motherboard. Might have been the power supply. Not sure.

Anyways, ever since my old server went cold turkey, I’ve had this bunch of old, powerful hardware sitting for ages.

I planned to “migrate” the motherboard and CPU from my old gaming and work PC to the old server case and revive it, but just kept postponing it again and again for a long time.

UNTIL NOW! Continue reading

How To Fix Ethereum Mist Wallet Never Ends Syncing

I had an issue with the Ethereum Mist wallet never finishing syncing the blockchain. Mist just kept downloading “chain structure” for two days, always stuck a couple of hundred blocks behind the most current one.

Here’s how I fixed it:

  1. Close Mist first if it’s running.
  2. Download the latest version of Geth and extract it to somewhere like C:\Geth (
  3. Run CMD.exe (Command Prompt, the black terminal window in Windows) as Administrator (right-click -> Run as Administrator)
  4. Change directory to where you extracted Geth:
    CD C:\Geth
  5. Run the following command to start syncing the blockchain using the light syncmode:
    start geth –syncmode light –cache 512
  6. It should now start syncing. After a while (how long varies), you will notice it reaches the current block and becomes less active. You should now be able to run the Mist wallet without issues again.
  7. Download and run the latest Mist wallet to avoid other bugs/issues (

Hope this helps someone out there with the same annoying issue!

How to Fix RDP not Saving Password / Credentials (Windows Remote Desktop Connection)

After upgrading to Windows 10, I have had some issues with a couple of RDP connections that wouldn’t store the username and password (credentials). Despite ticking the box to save the credentials, it would always prompt me to enter the password.

Here’s how to fix the issue with RDP not saving the login information, which should work not just on Windows 10, but also other versions of Windows if you have the same problem Continue reading

How to Fix Alt Gr Key Not Working

If the Alt Gr key stops working, close Remote Desktop Connection if it is open. Try it out now!

There’s an old bug that causes the Alt-Gr button on your keyboard to mysteriously malfunction.

This is an old problem which still persists on Windows 10.

This bug has been plaguing me and others for many, many years. Since we use the AltGr key to produce the @ (at) sign here in Norway,

Even in 2019, I still get this problem all the time.

I just wanted to share the solution in case anyone else has the same issue, so hopefully it helped you out if you’re reading this, if not, please leave a comment!

PS! You can still try to help by voting for this Alt Gr bug to get fixed.

Either search for “Feedback Hub” on Windows 10 and log in if it asks you to.

Then click here.

Or, alternatively, open Edge in Windows 10, and paste this into the URL (address) bar:


Thanks to Slingshot in the comments for this initiative!

How To Enable Remote Access To Administrative Shares in Windows 10


Windows 10 is awesome. Administrative shares are too. This is a quick how to for enabling remote access to admin shares in Windows 10 (also works with Windows 8.1 and older)

This is how you can enable remote access to administrative shares in Windows 10.

(This guide applies to Windows 8.x, 7 and Vista too – only the screenshots are a bit different.)

The issue:
Adminstrative shares are default shares of all the disk drives on a Windows computer. These allow access to the root disks remotely.

If you try to connect to adminstrative shares (for instance C$ or D$) on a remote computer running a newer version of Windows than Windows XP, you will not be able to.

The solution:
First, you need to have a local account with administrative rights on the computer you want to connect to running Windows 10 or older. Continue reading

How to Shut Down Windows 10 via Remote Desktop (RDP)

The issue with shutting down or rebooting a PC or server via Remote Desktop on Windows 8 (and 8.1) applies to Windows 10 as well.

Why Microsoft has chosen to make it so difficult is hard for me to understand, but perhaps their own engineers have sausage fingers and keep switching off instead of logging off their servers remotely? Or could it possibly be related to the HP engineer that accidentally formatted all the servers of Australian bank client CommBank? Probably the former, but the CommBank incident is an interesting read for any System Center admins 🙂

So, on to the issue at hand: maybe this looks familiar to you? I am referring to the shutdown icon menu only showing “Disconnect” as an option, so please ignore all the tiles.

Shutdown Windows 10 via RDP 01

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