The first Battlefield 4 trailer has been made public on Youtube. It’s a 17 minute long single-player gameplay video titled “Fishing in Baku”.
The first Battlefield 4 trailer has been made public on Youtube. It’s a 17 minute long single-player gameplay video titled “Fishing in Baku”.
The official description:
“Coming this September, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill is the next digital expansion pack in the Battlefield 3 series and introduces a host of exclusive in-game content, new vehicles, assignments and more.
Taking vehicular mayhem to the next level as only Battlefield can, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill features 5 new drivable vehicles including mobile artillery, tanks, ATV’s complete with over 20 vehicle specific unlocks. Players will also have the ability to spawn in the all-new gunship and rain death from above.
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill also introduces a brand new mode to the Battlefield franchise, Tank Superiority, where heavy vehicles clash in order to control key areas of the map.
Check out the premiere trailer showcasing the snow-capped Alborz Mountain as well as the open terrain found in the Bandar Desert, the largest map in Battlefield history!”
EA/DICE released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Battlefield 3 expansion pack Close Quarters – to be released in June.
Showcasing the brand new “Conquest Domination” mode on the map “Donya Fortress”, the new trailer demonstrates very clearly that Close Quarters is going to be focused on tight infantry-only combat.
So far it looks to promote a pretty intense style of gameplay, with the potential for tons of kills in notime. Is that good or bad? I guess it depends entirely on your preferences.
I’ll give it a go for sure, but personally I’m more excited about the Armored Kill expansion coming this autumn.