Tag: Microsoft

How to Disable Windows 10 from Installing New Device Drivers Automatically

nvidia driver cd

A driver CD. These days, drivers are pushed out via Windows Update. And that can be a BAD thing?

I got a bit annoyed today.

The reason being how Windows 10 automatically found out that a new device driver was available for my Nvidia graphics card, through Windows Update.

Then Windows simply went ahead and installed it for me while I was away from the screen for a couple of hours. In previous Windows versions (Windows 7/XP), you had the option to disable “optional updates” as you pleased.

This is no longer the case in Windows 10 (and 8.1).
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How To Turn Off The Prompt For Active Content When Opening Local Files In Internet Explorer

I just ran into this little issue when testing a small JavaScript, where Internet Explorer came up with this annoying little pop-up on the bottom of the page every time I wanted to test a new change in the code:

Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls | Allow blocked content

Unless I clicked “Allow blocked content” every single time, JavaScript was simply disabled.

That’s just no good… Continue reading

A First Look at Windows 8 – Finally Some Tablet Power!

Microsoft posted this first of several upcoming “Building Windows 8” videos a few days ago.

I think it showcases some interesting features that look very promising for a good tablet enabled OS, such as a logical app layout and full seamless multi-tasking support for the apps.

We learn that HTML5 and JavaScript are going to be the core technologies for developers looking to make apps for (codename) “Windows 8”, so if you’re aspiring to do so, you might as well get started on sharpening up those skills asap.

Anyways, moving pictures say more than a thousand words, plus Jensen Harris does a great job at presenting through the spoken word. Check it out:

Windows Phone 7 Revealed

Vice president of Microsoft and currently leading the Windows Phone team, Joe Belfiore is the man responsible for the user interfaces of Windows 95, XP and recently known for his work on the Zune platform. Today he revealed a change in the Windows Mobile platform with Windows Phone 7. Applications will be more tightly knit together than ever before, instead of living in their own little islands on the phone. In other words; less like a PC and more like a phone that actually can intermix information between different channels and applications. For instance, pictures and contacts integration with Facebook is only a touch away.

The feature low-down:

  • 4-point touch screen functionality in the hardware is required for standard operation
  • Simplified: A revamped start button leads to the Tile menu, which has a search function and a back-button
  • Limiting UI-customization to the built-in options available in the OS itself
  • No Adobe Flash support built-in, but Steve Ballmer was clear that they don’t mind Adobe at all – a kick towards Apple’s recent anti-Flash outbursts
  • Release before Christmas is guaranteed

So, let’s bench up for Christmas and hope they can impress us this time around, after the very disappointing Mobile 6.5.

How To Set Up Thunderbird For Exchange 2007, 2010

Thunderbird <3 Exchange

Thunderbird <3 Exchange

EZUNIX.org has provided a nice guide for those of us that would like to use the Thunderbird mail client with the notoriously incompatible Exchange 2007 Server.

The guide is even available as a downloadable PDF document.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that Thunderbird 3 now comes with calendar support!

How To: Edit Query Data Directly In MS SQL 2005 & 2008

SQL 2008 Server Box Shot

Still accepting direct injection fuel

In MS SQL 2000 Management Studio it was possible to directly edit data when performing a query by using the “Open Table -> Query” menu option on a table. Microsoft changed things around for SQL 2005 & 2008, so that menu option is gone, but it can still be done. Here’s how to do it:

An effective way to do this is to first create an empty table AnEmptyTable that is easy to find at the top in Object Explorer.

Right-click your newly created table and click “Open Table”. As it is empty, this is much faster than opening any other table. At the top is a little button in the upper left which says “SQL” and a tooltip that says “Show SQL Pane”. Enable them both and voila! You can now run queries at the top and edit the results below.

Know a better way? Post comment please.