Category: Battlefield 3

Battlefield 4 Officially Confirmed

will include Battlefield 4 beta access.

The beta for Battlefield 4 is said to begin sometime in the second half of 2013, which indicates that Battlefield 4 may be released late 2013 or early 2014.

DICE only had less revealing things to say about the news:

“The team at DICE is hard at work on the next entry in the Battlefield series,” one of the messages from the team at DICE states.

They went on to say that they aren’t ready to talk about Battlefield 4 at this time.

It’s also said that EA asked DICE to focus their development efforts on Battlefield 4 instead of making Battlefield Bad Company 3.

Meanwhile there’s still two more DLCs upcoming for Battlefield 3: Armored Kill this autumn and End Game sometime early 2013. The new maps in Armored Kill will include the biggest Battlefield 3 map to date, which sounds like just the thing I want to see.

Matches, an official “tool” for customizing Battlefield 3 clan matches went live earlier this month.

Pre-order: from Webhallen and support TommyNation at the same time.

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters Donya Fortress Gameplay Trailer

EA/DICE released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Battlefield 3 expansion pack Close Quarters – to be released in June.

Showcasing the brand new “Conquest Domination” mode on the map “Donya Fortress”, the new trailer demonstrates very clearly that Close Quarters is going to be focused on tight infantry-only combat.

So far it looks to promote a pretty intense style of gameplay, with the potential for tons of kills in notime. Is that good or bad? I guess it depends entirely on your preferences.

I’ll give it a go for sure, but personally I’m more excited about the Armored Kill expansion coming this autumn.

Battlefield 3: “Everyday I’m Javelin” Fan Music Video

Battlefield 3 Spring Patch PC Release March 29th: More Details

The PC version of the Spring patch for Battlefield 3 has now been confirmed for release on March 29th at 9AM UTC / 11 AM CET.

The patch will be a hefty 1.6 GB download, so brace yourselves if you have less than high speed Internet access.

EA/DICE have highlighted a few more things that are changing the game dynamics in this update, which I have summed up in short as follows: Continue reading

Battlefield 3 Spring Patch Released for PlayStation 3

At 1080 MB, the new “Spring” patch is a hefty download.

The patch now brings the game to version 1.04, and with this new patch, DICE have really sold out, by allowing kids to buy so called “shortcut” packs which unlock everything for each class (Kit Shortcut Bundle) or vehicle (Vehicle Shortcut Bundle), or the “Ultimate Bundle” which simply unlocks everything.

Wow … what a sell-out move. Keep going, DICE. Soon you’ll be just as bad as Activision.

Oh, and the new rent-a-server program for the PS3 was launched along with the new patch. According to online sources, they’re all sold out already.

Battlefield 3 Spring Patch Release Dates, Final Changelist Confirmed

EA have confirmed that the long-awaited “Spring” patch for Battlefield 3 will be released earlier for the PlayStation 3, on March 27, with PC and Xbox 360 to follow soon after (final dates are still to be announced).

This patch is a big one, and contains a lot of fixes that will change the dynamics of many of the guns, addons and add content that has been requested by us, the gamers, since day one. For consoles, a new “Rent a Server” option has been added (more info to follow on that next week).

Below the break is the final and confirmed, complete changelist. I’ve highlighted some changes with red text and added some illustrations as well.

The new additions since this post was originally posted, such as the new commo rose for the PC, are found at the bottom. Continue reading