The first Battlefield 4 trailer has been made public on Youtube. It’s a 17 minute long single-player gameplay video titled “Fishing in Baku”.
The first Battlefield 4 trailer has been made public on Youtube. It’s a 17 minute long single-player gameplay video titled “Fishing in Baku”.
The beta for Battlefield 4 is said to begin sometime in the second half of 2013, which indicates that Battlefield 4 may be released late 2013 or early 2014.
DICE only had less revealing things to say about the news:
They went on to say that they aren’t ready to talk about Battlefield 4 at this time.
It’s also said that EA asked DICE to focus their development efforts on Battlefield 4 instead of making Battlefield Bad Company 3.
Meanwhile there’s still two more DLCs upcoming for Battlefield 3: Armored Kill this autumn and End Game sometime early 2013. The new maps in Armored Kill will include the biggest Battlefield 3 map to date, which sounds like just the thing I want to see.
Matches, an official “tool” for customizing Battlefield 3 clan matches went live earlier this month.