Tag: admin shares

How To: Enable Remote Access To Administrative Shares in Windows 7


How do you enable remote access to admin shares using a local administrator account in Windows 7 / Vista?

When you try to do this the same way you could in XP, you get prompted to log in, but get access denied. Apparently, for “security reasons” this option has been disabled. Thankfully, a small registry hack is all it takes to get around the issue:

  1. Open regedit (<Windows> + R, type “regedit”).
  2. Expand the tree to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft\ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ policies \ system.
  3. Create a new key (Right click -> New -> choose “DWORD Value (32bit)”).
  4. Name the key “LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy” and give it the value of “1”.
  5. Click OK.