Tag: Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3: USAS-12 with Explosive Rounds: One Man Army

Apparently, equipping a USAS-12 with explosive frag rounds equals “One Man Army” mode in Battlefield 3. Nerfhammer time again, Dice?

Edit: Thanks to comments after this posting, it is said to be much harder to avoid damaging yourself in Hardcore mode while using this loadout. Still, it does rip people to shreds in Standard mode. (Note: I used to call it noob mode, but as some people (noobs) were offended, I will stop calling it that from now on. ;-))

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Gameplay Videos

Here are a couple of videos showcasing the Conquest Assault mode on upcoming Back to Karkand maps Gulf of Oman and Strike at Karkand. Check out the noobs in the videos below:

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Screenshots

IGN posted a few screenshots from Back to Karkand, after the lucky bastards got a sneak peak of the upcoming expansion:

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Gameplay Trailer

Dice released this trailer for the upcoming December release of the Battlefield 3 expansion pack “Back to Karkand”.

Read more about the expansion pack here, and watch the video below:

Battlefield 3: Getting Kicked from Server by Administrator?

If you’re experiencing a problem with constantly getting kicked from servers while playing Battlefield 3, it could be a PunkBuster Client issue, rather than an actual server administrator kicking you.

To resolve the issue it could be necessesary to update the PunkBuster Client for Battlefield 3 manually. Here’s how:

  • Download PBSetup and install
  • If Battlefield 3 is missing from the list of games, click “Add  a Game”.
  • Select “Battlefield 3” and verify that the install path is correct. It should normally be auto-detected by PBsetup.
  • Click “Add Game”.
  • Select “Battlefield 3” from the list of games and click “Check for updates”. This will update the DLL files if they’re missing.
  • If the file update fails, your last resort is to download the update files and update manually.

Battlefield 3 Back to Karkand Details

The Back to Karkand expansion for Battlefield 3 will be released sometime in December, and will feature four new maps:
Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman, Sharqi Peninsula and Wake Island (a snippet from the concept art for the new Wake Island map is shown in my  header logo).

Three (3) new vehicles will also make an appearance, in the form of the Desert Patrol Vehicle (or DPV), the BTR-90 (Russian 8×8 wheeled armored personell carrier), and the F35 STOVL Jet Fighter.

Back to Karkand also brings back ten (10) iconic weapons from the Battlefield series, five new dog tags, fire new achievemens/trophies, and a new “persistence reward system” that rewards points for completing certain assignments.

Pricing will be US $15 or €15 for those who didn’t preorder Battlefield 3: Limited Edition, but will be free for everyone who did.