Tag: Destruction

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters Expansion Gameplay Video

DICE/EA have released a new gameplay video from the upcoming Close Quarters expansion for Battlefield 3.

As the name suggests, the focus is all on smaller, tighter close quarters combat.

DICE developer Gustav Halling said that they have worked a lot on creating a whole new level of destruction for Close Quarters, with focus on lighting and shadows. For instance, how the lighting in a room changes when you shoot out the lamps.

Close Quarters will be released in June and cost you approx USD $15.

Later this year, DICE will release another expansion called Armored Kill, which will focus on armored combat and hardware, featuring the largest maps in Battlefield 3 yet. And then this winter, there’s End Game. Details about End Game will be posted as soon as we have them.

Some of you may be interested to know that expections of this expansion seem low, or mixed at best. The currently running poll on the official Battlefield blog says a lot:

A comment by “SenorFresco5321” sums it up pretty well, I think:

“Who is making your product decisions? Look at your own “Which are you most excited about?” poll results … your patch is taking so long that people want it more than your next DLC – people never prefer fixes to content! 15% want your next scheduled DLC, whereas 36% want the one after that! Players I’ve friended since BF2 have stopped playing. Hell, folks have even gone back to playing BFBC2. Get it together. Thank you”