Tommy Stephansen

Born in '84, I've always been a gamer at heart. My first gaming console was the Nintendo (NES), 8-bit system. I was sold from day one. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a SNES, but with patience came the PlayStation... The rest is pretty much history (for another time and place). Check out more about me on

Most commented posts

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  5. How To: Create a Bootable USB to Install Windows — 21 comments

Author's posts

Reid Hoffman On Social Networking Sites

Here’s an interview with Reid Hoffman, founder and angel investor of LinkedIn. Mr Hoffman has been an active investor in many projects based in the Silicon Valley area, such as the highly popular social networking sites Facebook and Flickr, amongst others, and here shares his views on these types of websites and where he thinks things are headed.

Click here to go to the original post on PodTech (new window).

Anu Shukla On Entrepreneurship

I found this interview quite interesting because I recently rekindled my interest in entrepreneurship after having studied it a bit during my recent last semester, and even ventured on some very small entrepreneurial projects myself in the past.

I found the part later in the interview, when Shukla mentions how the technology of Web 2.0 is opening up new opportunities especially for low-cost startups, especially interesting.

From PodTech: “Anu Shukla is a serial entrepreneur who is currently busy with MyOfferPal, her third start-up, now in stealth mode (it recently received VC funding).”

Click here to see the original post.

Work Less, Live More

Robert Scoble interviewed Timothy Ferriss about his new book called “4-Hour Work Week“.

Ferriss brings up some really great points in this video interview, the gist of it being tips on how to live more and work less.

When you think about it, are you actually working just for work’s sake or are you working in order to reach your own life goals?

Check it out:

Click here to see the original post (new window).
Click here for a shorter version with only highlights (8+ minutes, new window, external link).